Written by Starleatha Pollard, Jacksonville District

In today’s economy, it is hard to figure out what kind of Insurance we need.  I want to help everyone in finding the right insurance to satisfy you and your family needs.  One day I decided to call my Insurance Company to ask a question because an agent challenged me and I found out that my whole life policy wasn’t what I thought I was, it was a flex policy that had an end date attached to it but when I purchased it back in 1992, it was a whole life policy that wasn’t supposed to change In payment or dollar amount for the life of the policy and at a certain time I wasn’t going to have to pay the premium anymore as it would pay for itself but I found out my company sold my policy to another company.  So I found myself looking for another policy that would work for me and my family, that’s what brings me here today. 

I want everyone to be educated about the different kinds of insurance and want you to know what you need, this booklet will answer most of your question but if you have more please sit down with your insurance agent and I mean sit down because a lot of these insurance agencies want to talk with you over the phone.  The bible says in all your getting get an understanding (Proverbs 4:7), I don’t want anyone to perish because they don’t have the knowledge they need to understand what they have and need.

Also if you find yourself in a divorces situation please make sure you change your beneficiary name on your policy and if your ex-spouse keep you on the policy make sure he change your status to ex-spouse or the company will not pay you, it will go to the next of kin if he keeps you on there as his spouse.  This is a state Law, that went into effect in 2012 but the Insurance companies aren’t making it known to the beneficiaries they are having to find it out when they cash the policies in.

To read more, please visit this site.