Written by Minister Carolyn L. Jacobs, Jacksonville District
The Agape Sistahs Women’s Ministry is the vision of its leader and founder Minister Felicia B. Sims, Solid Rock COGBF, Yulee, Florida (pictured left.) God had given her a burden for the needs of women in her church and community. She says, “Without that burden you are going to lack desire…” She spent time in prayer with this burden. Her favorite place to pray and fellowship with God is at the beach. It was there, that He gave her a revelation of what her purpose was and how she could use her talents, gifts and calling to meet the needs of women.
Minister Sims states that, “Burdens are made up of compassion and a desire to do something.” In this case, compassion and desire to teach, encourage and build up other women in Christ.”
She says, availability is important. She had to surrender to the Lord in order to do the task that He had set upon her heart. “Let the Holy Spirit work in you and use you”, she says.
As the vision continued to unfold, she prayed for directions on what she needed to do, and that her pastor and church leadership, would feel the need for a Women’s Ministry. Early on while seeking the Lord for guidance, Minister Sims shared her vision, with her husband, Brother Todd Sims and their two daughters Talishia and Aliyah, because it was vital to have their buy-in and support before moving forward.
She also reached-out to other women in her church and the vision of the ministry was written out in preparation to present it to the church leadership. After receiving approval from her pastor, Dr. Harry J. Johnson, and a further time of planning and preparations, the Agape Sistahs Women’s Ministry was established in January 2014.
The Ministry meets monthly and had its first anniversary celebration in April 2015. The Agape Sistahs are recognized in the community as a ministry for all women, regardless of church affiliations. They have several members who are actively involved, but do not attend Solid Rock.
At one of their recent meetings in the home of Minister Sims, I presented the ladies with the idea of the Agape Sistahs being a chapter of the National Women’s Ministry, the CSI Franchise, and they wholeheartedly support that opportunity.
I also had the chance to speak with some of the ladies one-on-one and ask them their thoughts on women’s ministries in general and the Agape Sistahs specifically. Here’s what they had to say:
The first Sistah I spoke with was Cynthia Calhoun (pictured right.) I asked her to describe three things that immediately came to mind, when she thought of a women’s ministry. She said, support, unconditional love and women fellowshipping together outside of the church setting. I asked her to share some examples of how the Agape Sistahs ministry has blessed her. “I’m learning to get closer with the ladies, they have shown me support and we are blessed with a good leader" she said.
I next spoke with Shawn Wingard; she said when she thinks about a women’s ministry, outreach, bonding and sensitivity comes to mind. She said that "when a group of women get together, they become sensitive to each other’s needs and with that sensitivity bonds are developed." Sistah Shawn said she likes to work behind the scenes. Last year, the Agape Sistahs provided knitted hats for Chemo patients; she was actively involved with that and also the preparations for the Sistahs 1st year celebration. (Anitra Stokes, Cynthia Calhoun, Shawn Wingard shown left.)
When asked about her overall thoughts about the Agape Sistahs, she indicated that it’s a good ministry. Minister Sims is a good facilitator, she preaches the Word and exemplifies the Word, even in simple things.
Alicia Russell is a member of Elm Street Church of God, in Fernandina Beach, Florida. This Sistah says, when she thinks of a women’s ministry, loyalty, love and inspiration are three things that come to mind. She has found the Agape Sistahs ministry to be outgoing, true and educational. The ministry has blessed her through prayer for a new home. It has taught her that it’s okay to be different and it is very accepting of who you are.
She is not a member of COGBF, but is an Agape Sistah, as a result of asking Minister Felicia to be her mentor. She was invited to one of the meetings and has been a member since. She says the ministry is very loving, believes in God and all aspects of who He is.
Anitra Stokes, was at the meeting with her baby boy Judah (pictured right) which I affectionately called the “Agape Baby.” Sistah Nitra says that a women’s ministry should be there to support each other and to love each other. It should be understanding of what women go through on a daily basis and be able to relate to the needs of women.
Our “Agape Baby”, a.k.a. Judah is a twin, but sadly his brother Jeremiah, passed away only 22 minutes after birth. This was a very difficult time for Anitra, but she says her Agape Sistahs surrounded her with prayers, calls, visits and support. She thanks God for the love and care they continue to show her.
She says, she is grateful that God gave this vision to Minister Sims. It is good to have another female to talk to outside of your family, and she has never heard anything discussed out of the confines of their meetings.
The last lady I interviewed was Patricia Johnson. She says a women’s ministry should see that women need help and be there to help them. The Agape Sistahs provides confidentiality, they will listen to your needs and will pray with you. They have given her an opportunity to open up and not keep things on the inside. She has also been taught about the need to forgive. She has been involved with many of the functions the Agape Sistahs have hosted since its inception, including their Christmas gathering, preparing gift baskets for the seniors, and their 1st year anniversary
celebration. (Pictured left SISTAHS: Felicia G. Sims, Alicia Russell, Patricia Johnson and Agape "Baby" Judah)
At the Agape Sistahs monthly meetings, they provide the ladies with an agenda which highlights the items they will discuss during the meeting. At their last meeting the agenda included:
Opening (Prayer; Icebreaker; Song; Prayer Requests; Praise Reports)
- Warm Greetings by the Sistahs
- Business Meeting/Round-table Discussion
- Discussion of Vision, Mission, Guidelines
- Special Recognition, Decisions, Announcements
- National Women’s Ministry Presentation
- Overview of Bible Lesson “Women of Purpose”
- Closing Prayer (including prayer requests)
- Celebration of Birthdays with Cake and Light Lunch
The agenda was followed which allowed the meeting and fellowship to be timely. One of the highlights of the meeting was the Bible Study. It was conducted by Sistah Cynthia Calhoun and her 12 year old daughter, Jaimi Harris, which is the granddaughter of Minister Mary Calhoun, Solid Rock COGBF Yulee, Florida. It was truly a blessing to hear this young lady expound on the character of God from a youths perspective. It helped me to see that God is yet touching the hearts of our young people regardless of what the enemy would have us believe.
The Agape Sistahs have some exciting events coming up in the next few months. I look forward to sharing more information about this awesome ministry with you. These women love genuinely, love deeply, love strongly, love unconditionally, and love forever. They are true Agape-Sistahs.
Minister Sims says, once you’ve gotten things off the ground with your women’s ministry – get moving! There are wonderful blessings awaiting you at each meeting and fellowship. Staying prayerful, will keep you vigilant, aware of the antics of the enemy, sensitive to the needs of the women, and the voice of God. Women’s ministry is truly an adventure and a profound blessing.
(Staggered L-R): Felicia B. Sims, Shawn Wingard, Judah, Talishia Sims, Patricia Russell, Belinda Jamison, Alicia Russell, Patricia Johnson, Anitra Stokes, Jaimi Harris, Cynthia Calhoun (attending but not pictured - Pamela Albertie, Taneisha Albertie, Aliyah Sims, Felicia G. Sims)