By Lady Zellene Smith, Central GA District

Greetings, ladies! God is good, I know He loves me, and even if He does not always save me from pain, He makes it count. As I begin, I must say that there are times when we all need encouragement. In light of this fact, God began to speak to my heart to share encouraging words with my sisters in Christ. So, being obedient to God, this is what I wish to share with you.

Lift up your heads all women of God and walk in the victory He has given us! The fight is fixed; we already know the saints of God win. So, no matter the situations, circumstances, trials or tribulations, God has us. Here are some promises God has given us in His Word:

  •  “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) God wants us to succeed in life. We become strengthened in our trials and our challenges, so do not be afraid to go through!
  • “For with God nothing shall be impossible”. (Luke 1:37) The Lord is our strength and He is our salvation. He is our God and we should prepare Him a place in our hearts, so that we may exalt him forever. Sometimes, we get anxious. We remove ourselves out of the will of God and we want our trials to end immediately. I can definitely relate. However, what we often do not know nor realize is that they are building our resiliency and developing our deep hopefulness.

The Apostle Paul enlightens us in Romans 8:18, “For I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” If we could only appreciate the glory that is to be ours, we could count the suffering along the way as simply trivial.

Finally and sincerely, I am encouraging every heart to be of good cheer, laugh at the enemy, and celebrate your problems because we know and we are convinced by this powerful verse of scripture, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”. (Philippians 1:6)

 God bless you all, 

Lady Zellene